My computer says invalid attachment on every one of them. Not sure if its me or something else.
Same for me as well
Sorry--I must have done something wrong---they all come up on my pc---but this is the first time they have ever loaded as an attachment??
They all opened up for me. I am using my Windows XP pro so THAT MAY be part of the reason. It could be some of the new "cell phones" or whatever, are not that "smart"????
Being able to see that it says 'Attachment nnnnn' is a clue - open it up for edit and send a screen shot
Same as Roger, I can't see them either.
they don't work for me now either?? I reloaded the first and last pics again exactly the same way and they loaded
Great! Now I see the before and after. They are the most important. It looks nice Dan. Great job.
Nice paint work. What brand and color did you use?