Probably 10 years ago from a fellow in Colorado who was building/fabricating a mount and drive for the front of a D2/D4.
He worked on it when he was home (traveled a lot). I don't know if he ever finished it?
I hope so Garlic Pete... I would like some pics and ideas.. I asked for rear mounted pics a while back but decided to go off the front to have "live" hydraulics instead..
With that; any front pics are encouraged.. I have all weekend to Plot, Plan and scheme..hahaha..
My D4 5T has an aftermarket pump off the front, previous owner install. Also aftermarket blade was installed.
I can get you some pictures, but the bad part is I won’t be able to till first part of May
Live hydraulics are great, makes life a whole lot better
[quote="43gpw"]My D4 5T has an aftermarket pump off the front, previous owner install. Also aftermarket blade was installed.
I can get you some pictures, but the bad part is I won’t be able to till first part of May
Live hydraulics are great, makes life a whole lot better
That would be great Russ ! When you can is fine with me as i am not in a big hurry....... Thanks!
The one on my 7u is a flat plate with a pilot to center the pump on the crankshaft. The pump is keyed to driveshaft the other end is bolted to the crank pulley. The shaft has a splined slip in the middle. The first is the rear mounted one on my 9u
From Downunder, this is my RD4 which will be the same as your 5T, I set it up with rear remotes so I can disc with her which I'm doing right now, I reckon this pump runs at around 1,200 PSI when I tested it last year.
This is the drive plate my Fitter and Turner neighbor made for me to fit a #41 pump on the front of my D2 5U, it drives a similar coupler as the RD4.
I guess I'm the Colorado guy,, I'll find the thread and pics. This was for a 5J.