Hi John, Cat made a retrofit field double roller bearing upgrade for D2s that had a single row ball bearing. Perhaps that's what was done for the D4 as well? It included the bearing race housing as well, in the upgrade assembly.
Yes, appears you have the upgrade pinion assembly. It is not the same as used in the 40A.
Standard pinion was used on 7J5248-up, 2T, 5T, 6u-1-10362, 7U1-29733 (pinion # 8B4394).
Your 30A is the same as the above models.
The standard 955, 12A1-8097 and 26A1-127 uses a different gear and pinion.
The 3H6261 pinion is installed on 6U10363-up and 7U29734-up and was also an upgrade to the 12A1-8097
Thanks very much for the information. It's good in that I now have a part number to search for, and bad in that they do seem to be a little hard to get hold of. I do have an older D46U that I will strip down to see if it is the same, but my gut feel is, it will not be the upgraded pinion.
I'll post what I find.
Thanks again.
John, while the double roller is an upgrade, the single row ball bearing is functional so if you can't find the parts you need for the double roller, you could still "downgrade" to a single ball bearing. Ultimately all it means is that you'd want to check on the ball bearing condition more frequently than you would for the double roller. These tractors have done good service on that arrangment.
Thanks Neil, I had been thinking that also. Provided the parts in the other machine are serviceable, I may be able to swap all them over and get some more life out of the 30A. It is not a machine I planning putting thousands of hours of hard work on. At 60 plus years old, both it and myself are not up to that.
Hi John,
Welcome to fourm. As for your 30A you may fin the shaft in a 7U 2750 to 7U29733 as it was a feild changeover or in a 7U27934 as is was standard install. The bigest problem will be the bearings as i had to do a set in my 7U and it cost over $700 and it is no longer available from Cat even the single bearingsare hard to get, i had Surplus Bearings get them for me at the time.
You need the parts book 7U27570 -up as it is a good reference for the 30A
I'm not sure which way you are going to go with this pinion shaft, but I do see the timkin bearings and races om. Has pictured there on eBay. They would be from tree different sellers I believe for both sets. Approximately $150
Three different sellers