Reply to Old Magnet:
66D1-66D8890 is a D333C (4-3/4" bore x 6.0" stroke)
The 79B series uses a D333A (4-1/2" bore x 5.5" stroke)
I was not able to find info on a 99G1014 engine.
I believe all D333 (A) and (😎 series engines were all 4.5" bore X 5.5" stroke.
Could have either Vee belt or gear driven jacket water pumps and the valve
gear (rocker) cover was cast with a row of retaining bolts down the centre.
They had nice easy to replace rectangular seal, like 3400 series.
The D333C and the 3306 were 4.75" bore X 6.0" stroke and all the ones I saw
had gear driven jacket water pumps, D333C could be top mounted or forward
mounted on LHS front gear cover where as I believe 3306 water pumps were all
forward mounted LHS front cover. 3306 saw various developments in the fuel
systems which were at test at times.
BUT the D333C and 3306 had a pressed steel valve gear (rocker) cover with
many bolts (15) retaining it to the cylinder head with the early being sealed with a
cork gasket.
99G1014 is a No14E motor grader built 1967.
Hope this is a help BUT I could be wrong.