Takes a #4N4878 pump. Check ebay
Thanks once again for the help.
What was the water pump part number that you used?
I do not have the number in front of me right this minute, but I will send it to you later. Thanks again for the help.
OK, thanks, would like to add to my files.
The waterpump was 1727767.
And the fuel pump was like you said 4N4878.
Thanks again for all your help.
OK thanks,
The original D330C water pump is different than that of the 3304 unit but apparently they will interchange.
From what I can remember the D330C & 3304 jacket water pumps can not
be interchanged, i.e. the D330C pump is gear driven through the side of the
front timing gear housing and the 3304 pump is gear driven through the
front of the front timing gear housing.