sounds about right, those old engines had fairly high flow oil systems and with the large clearances, oil pressure would'nt be quite so high, what is pressure at idle? anything above 5 lbs at idle is probably good, i'm sure someone has the specs and will correct me if i'm wrong.
oil viscosity and temperature make a difference when checking oil pressures.
Running middle of the green on original gauge with 15w40 oil. Before anybody jumps on me for running detergent oil, I had this engine down to bare block. No sludge or crap to come loose.
I was reading my servicemans reference manual while I sat in jury duty today. ( no kidding)
" the oil pressure at the bearings is limited to approximately 30 psi at rated engine speeds"
I was interested to read the oil pressure is variable, compared to most I have been familiar with in automotive world, which are based solely on RPM.
SAE 30 detergent oil is what was originally specified.