A faulty seal between the injection pump and the fuel tower housing is a common reason fuel ends up in the crankcase. The seal is actually an o-ring and it isn't difficult to replace.
Takes an 8B4967 seal [o-ring], plus the gasket between the filter housing and pump housing.
Thanks guys, With the fuel tower all filled with fuel, I am still confused how fuel can get into crank case. Got out my service manual. It shows the o-ring. Still don't see the shaft that drives the inj. pump.
The shaft drives from the timing gears and goes through the filter housing. That area through the filter housing is open to the front gear case, oil lubes the transfer pump drive gear and inj. pump drive shaft.
I was going to take on the job , but, how the H do you get a tool into those nuts on the block side of the pump? Anyone removed one of these, with some good hints of what they used.
3/8" drive long extensions and patience. Remove the governor first. Make sure everything is cleaned good before disassembly.
Looked like governor was worse yet. Book said remove governor after. I will go back and look at it again. Thanks Rome
You need a young helper or a lifting device as it maybe less than a 100 pound but in a pore position to grab and lift. If I recall a swivel may be needed on the long extension.