Looks identical to my D3B--check the 6 way blade linkages and pivot points,they are not grease-able, check the bolts on the universal for proper torque,mine worked loose and ripped the universal out twice,its behind the transmission, If you start to have fuel starvation problems there is a fine screen in the inlet fitting to the transfer pump---other than that it has been a good machine.
We have serial # 4045 LOL.
I'll second the above,it has been a great unit for us over 6 years .just keep up routine maintenance,filters,and fluids and it will treat u well.
Thanks fellas. It’s going to be for my uncle. We’ve looked at a lot of machines in the last month and this one may be it. My buddy that bought the 2010 deere sold it for 7250 almost doubling his money
What's the asking price? Looks like a $ 12-16k machine,if u can get it for less your doing good.
We paid 11,500 for ours.