Yes the cap screws hold it all in place. A good penetrating oil for few days, and a impact on a low setting. More oil and keep increasing the setting on the impact wrench. Some moderate tapping with a hammer also loosens the rust bond. Now you can use heat or just rattle them until they break. Even if they break down in the cast, lay a flat washer and build up the broken piece with arc weld. Arc rod doesn't bond well with cast so it dose not stick. Clean weld and now weld a nut on the flat washer. Let it cool till you can hold your hand on it, but longer is better. Tap on it oil it and try impact again. Try turning it tighter if it has not moved, with more oil. If it moves, work it back and forth. If it breaks weld it again. I have never had one I could not get with welding to heat as well as give a place to turn it. The most was 7 times on bolt. BUT IT CAME OUT with the treads in good shape yet.
Thanks for the advice Ray. Removing the Radiator was no problem. The flathead screws were not that rusted… only surface rust. 👍👍