Have a 22 that has always started easy and when I had a chance to buy a more usable tractor (I'm 6' 4'' size 14 shoes) I decided to sell her and the D2 I couldn't get the 22 to start. Seems to have fire at mag following the manual but pretty weak, cleaned points, tested wires and plugs, but get no fire to plugs. Decided to pull mag and reading manual seemed straight forward, but I can't find the short tooth that's supposed to be on mag gear after lining up #1 cylinder. It is a electric start, gas engine and I'm taking it for granted #1 is the first cylinder behind the radiator. Anyway any suggestions ? thanx steve
d2, 2n, 8n, 4000, cub cadet 169, massey compact, home made tractor, and more
Exact center of California