Reply to Pioneer1930:
Thank you Rax200.... I have located a couple of coils and some rewinding services and to be honest the cost of owning this Eisemann mag is starting to shock me.....(no pun intended)…… I think some enterprising Eisemann enthusiast needs to start making some replacement parts as the current cost of a coil alone is alarming to me. Once I got my copy of Neil Yerigans book years ago I have serviced and rebuilt all of my mags and have bought or made tools to service them as well. I am in no way begrudging anyone in the mag business or any other related buisness making money let me be plain and clear about that. Its just as the years go by and I see the costs of certain things go up in relation to other things it just kind of makes me sad to see something as wholesome, educational and just plain fun as collecting and running old iron of any type becoming expensive to the point that it may prohibit maybe younger folks from being able to keep this whole thing going.... such is life I guess...…...
Thanks for the hint on the mag book, just ordered a copy. If I only learn a few things it will be money well spent.
As far as the cost of repo parts, I'm surprised they don't cost more. It is hard to make small quantities of anything efficiently, and then to sit on inventory? I have made a modest amount of Cat repo things, usually just enough $ in it to be feasible. And I think you might find that the people that have both the interest and talent to make those things are paying an opportunity cost that can be steep.
But anyway, thanks for the book tip. Have you considered buying a mag core for parts? You might get a decent coil. Or a similar coil from a different kind of mag might be adapted.