Dam!!, that's a late D2 where the main clutch comes out the top!!! What a steal $500😄
Well you sould fill up the steering compartments with diesel then tie the steering clutchs back let it soak for a day or so then put it in gear and lock the main clutch and try pulling it around the yard and if the motor turns over while doing so have someone ride on it while towing it and have them sock the main clutch so in other words be a little agressive haha. And if it don't pop free let soak a little longer and try try again 😄
GOOD INFO, My D2 sat outside as well and my right hand steering clutch is frozen up as is my engine clutch frozen in the start position, as soon as I get it running I'll try this. You guys are a wealth of info
looks like a good deal, where are you located?
Drain everything including the Steering Clutch Housings. Refill all, then fill the Clutch housings with Diesel Fuel. Get the engine running. Tie the steering clutches back and take it out in the field with a 12 foot disk. Put it in 1st gear and start pulling the disk. When you get to the end of the field, pull it around with another tractor and go back in the other direction. Do this for at least 8 hours. I had a helper on a tractor. Sometimes they will break free, if not then let it sit for a year soaking some more. Then take it apart and you should not break anything.
Getting it running sould be the easy part check all your fluids (for water in the oil, no oil, water in the diesel tank, crud in the diesel tank,........) then put it in 3rd or 4th gear pull it forward let it roll a little bit first like 20 feet then lock the clutch back and maybe a shot of either and she sould roar to life again!!😄
When you get it running:
1. adjust the steering clutches as much as you can so they will release as far as possible.
2. Take it out in an open area and run it back and forth while riding the brakes hard in order to heat the drums and get them smoking.
3. Try your method of choice to break them free.
Do not do this with liquid in the clutch compartment or the drums and clutches will not heat up. Either do it before flushing or after or both. The drums and clutches will not heat up enough with liquid in there. Don't worry about wearing out the brakes. If they end up worn out they were were worn out before this treatment.
You want to try everything you can to free them before tearing it down. You will save a lot of work and money.
My .02 cts.
Nice find. If you only knew how many weekends I have spent trying to find a late model D2 like you have apparently found,you would think I am crazy.
Stuck clutches or not,that looks like a great little unit.
OK,what's the serial number and how many hours?????
I sure hope those clutches spring back to life,because they can really try a mans patients.
Elec start? Yep, nice find in deed.
The serial number is 5U15606 and the hour meter shows 0492. I believe one and not the other!