Here is direct from Old Magnet.
If you want to read the rest of his booklet about starter conversion (there is a section devoted just to D2s), you can find it here:
Hey this is vern and i was wondering i found some parts on ebay and was wondering if they would work thanks vern there they are or do i need to find somthing else 307-880-9097
Item number: 260298151914
Item number: 250235503003
I am looking at getting a 42MT starter i found some used ones for a perty good price
The starter drive is a good number.
The housing is for a 40MT starter .....not the same as a 42MT....will work but you won't have the "O" ring seal that the 42MT housing has. See the web site for picture comparison.
I got a 42MT rebuilt off of ebay today for $161 with shipping. I crossed their number to napa's and it shows cw rotation.
Got the DEH and helix for under $100 too. They showed OldMagnets part numbers as a reference number.
I just had to double check to make sure I didn't steal your items. I didn't so all is good.
is the drive end housing good other that the o ring or can someone help me fint the right one on e bay if so what is the item # thanks