Reply to npalen:
Gotta admit though, that "DD2", bottom picture, would be fun!
Hi, Folks.
The 'blame' for that one belongs squarely with a gentleman who useta post quite a lot here and hadda lengthy thread about restoring a Holt 2-Ton. Try doing a search for 'Swishy'. Go back through the BB to pre-2010,
In doing a little fossicking around, I came across a post from about a year ago from GMBM who was looking for Swishy's 2-Ton web site;
Message to gauntjoh and Co.. If there is anything on this site that you don't have in the Tech, library, I don't think Swishy would mind if you 'borrowed' it.
There is a "Thanks" list down near the bottom of the main page with a good few members names on it whom we don't see here any more. R.I.P. to those who have passed and an invitation to return to those who can still look down at the daisies.
Just my 0.02.