Reply to d2gary:
Not saying it's normal but it happened to me
One thing always leads to another...
It does happen, and not only with Cats. Other things too:
'Repurposed' an old laptop recently.
1. The hinges on the screen tore out on the screen cover. Attached two alu strips on outside with screws attached to hinges.
2. Hmm, only 180Gb hard disk... Removed hard disk, and installed 400Gb hard disk from another stuffed laptop, with spares lying all over my work area.
3. Ohh no!!! Windows XP on the disk, not good. Installed Xubuntu (for older computers) over Windows XP.
4. Aha! Now she "barks" again, and "spins her tracks", and does all a computer should. Will n ot win a speed contest, but neither will a D2
5. The battery is just about juice-less, but then 'real' Cats don't need batteries...
Maybe I'll paint her in Cat Yellow to assist in looking for computer when other stuff piles up...
Now, usable laptop on my worktable in the garage. To google, oogle and drule about old Cats!