Greg, you can search my posts and see my electric start story. I don't think many did it much cheaper than I did. I do live where it's pretty warm, rarely under 40 degrees. If it's about 80 or above my D2 starts in 5 seconds with no ether. At worst, it takes about 1/2 second shot to get it going in the "cold" weather.
Others prefer the pony. Like you, mine gave me fits and I converted. I have been very happy with the starter button.
So I had the jig built that is needed to bolt on the side of the cat to drill the hole for the starter if the hole is not there it is up for sale I am selling out of old caterpillar items and this is to go 307-880-6033
Why not donate it to ACMOC and let it be rented out to those members needing to drill a starter hole. You could take the tax write off and do those Caterpillar diseased folks a service all while helping the clubs finances.
Well, I warmed up the barn with a couple space heaters so working on the Cat would be tolerable. Just for the hell of it, I cranked it over with the temp in there at 38 instead of 10, and it started right up. Immediate problem solved, got the road cleared off. More snow, 16" on the ground now and 4-6" more on the way...
Still will be researching the move to direct electric start...