make sure the wire terminals didn't corrode, and file the points to remove oxidation
Never file point contacts! just use a fine grit emory cloth. plugs fouled?
Never file point contacts! just use a fine grit emory cloth. plugs fouled?
may i ask why? what r all the point files i have r 4?
may i ask why? what r all the point files i have r 4?
Hi Mike,
most people do not know how to use the files and try to file both points at once. As the files are fairly thick and the point pads get an angle filed onto them. This leads the points to only contact on an edge.
If you use a file you must file each point pad independently and this is not always easy to do in-situ.
For the average person the emery paper is thin and works well enough.
I have some of Dad's old points files and they show being blunted by the often harder points material and as a result are all but useless.
Your mileage may vary.
Eddie B.
Art, what's your location? Are you north of Albany or over Western NY? You can update your profile (see top right of forum page) with that info
I've been using point files for ever. Thin file, I just pinch the points together when filing. Believe you can still get point files from McMaster at least last time I bought.
have to spin fast in order to make a strong spark! If it is a healthy mag, even in cold weather you ought to be able to get a good enough spark out of it to start! If necessary, put lighter weight motor oil in the Pony and lengthen your starting rope as one more wrap on the pulley can make a big difference!
And like those guys said, "Update your Profile" that way we know where you are, there maybe someone close by who can help you out!