Sounds ignition related but to be sure:
- try starting it repeatedly. Then check if you have fuel smell coming out of the exhaust and/or plugs are wet. That will rule out a fuel problem
- replace condensor in the magneto. Report back with your findings
Is it a good blue spark when you try it hot. I believe once hot the mag will not be as hot a spark if the magnet is getting weak. But I am not that informed on a mag so maybe worry.
Old timers left them run all night to not have to deal with pony motor problems. Will be alright to idle for a extended lunch and siesta once in a while.
I'm thinking I agree on the ignition aspect. Once it cools down it kicks off no problem. I moved it out of the woods and will check it out a little deeper tomorrow. I agree with leaving it running as I usually do but I was getting a little aggressive with an old brush pile that was half dirt and I killed it mid push....What do ya do....:doh::doh:
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it..
We had one in the Oil Patch 30 plus years ago with a "rebuilt" Mag that did the same thing! If you stalled it, you may as well go home or find something else to do! More than a few times, we pull started it after stalling. The one I have now has a "Good" Pony that starts Hot. I'll keep that tractor around forever because of that fact!
Had a similar complaint once or twice, it was due to the gas valve not shutting completely tight. Have you tried opening the cylinder drains and cranking say 10 times with no choke and gov set to all full ahead? That will usually resolve an over rich cylinder. I crank it until I get a few pops, then it's back to business.
I had this EXACT problem on my 1948 D4 7U. When the pony was stone cold it would start like a champ. When both pony and diesel were warm, the pony would not even try to start. I changed the coil in the pony magneto and all problems went away.
My HT4 poney will not start when warm, spark ok when cold but very weak when warm.
Getting ready for the weather to clear and have been searching around for a replacment coil for my Eisimann mag. I'm sure someone out there could point me in the right direction for a replacement/rewind outfit? I e-mailed a couple of places I regularly do mag business with this morning but I thought I would throw it out here to see if there was a place I didn't know about.
Thanks again for the input...…..:tea:
I sent my RC-2H to Steve Belanger at Mainely Magnetos and it came back in tip-top condition, fully restored, for about 350 clams if I recall correctly