maybe from the Juice????
Had simular situation. Ended up being a Precombustion chamber
Seems to be more common than gasket AND a lot easier to check out and fix. I would start there.
Thanks ill do research on that and ask more questions if I cant find it.
If the seats in the head are not real smooth, I have had trouble sealing the washers. i believe the old time ones where copper. All the modern ones seem to be steel with copper paint. Engine rebuilder found real copper ones at McMaster-Carr. They sealed and ended my problems in that engine. Have another I just don't seem to get to.
That is a real rain on your parade moment Jack!
Yes, sounds like bad precup or head gasket issue.
You’re pretty savvy, so I’m sure you’ll get the little D2 back to 💯 soon.
Haven’t heard from you in quite some time. Always wondered what became of you and your D2.
Maybe life was quieter without all of the extra iron you had? Please let us know how things progress. JM
Thanks all, and JM. We had a fire here ( near keene, CA) and it got within 15 ft of my building where little D2 was sleeping. I pulled him out with a chain, and after fire was out - that’s when my new problem began. ( down hill out of building - uphill into..)
SO I have been reading and I guess the copper ( or soft metal) seal could allow combustion in to the cylinder ? I will pulli injector and Then prechamber ( if I’m lucky from what I have read). If that seems good then the head comes of next.
Thank all
Copper gaskets if not mangled can be annealed and reused. Bob
Most likely a corrosion hole in the pre chamber.