I remember it being near the rim of the flywheel, there is an access point on the right side of the flywheel housing. Turn the flywheel by hand until it lines up.
Here you go.
Check Here
On an infrequent use machine, you should oil it based on the theory that the oil has drained out from sitting. Give it a squirt or two in the oil cups prior to use. While the pony is cranking it, warming the cylinders is a good time. As far as grease points, those you could stay on the hour intervals due to grease doesn't drain away.
Thanks to all of you. I have a much better idea of where I'm supposed to be looking now.
It would appear the 7J tractors are set up slightly different than my 5U since the front-side access port in Kelly's pictures appears to be near the outside edge while mine sits very close to the block. And we'll just skip the discussion of me trying to pump grease into the plunger knob. :rolleyes2:
put roller lube in there, grease dris up and gets hard.
the fitting may be gone, leaving only a tiny threaded hole. All the books I have show a 45* elbow fitting on the rear face of the flywheel. I had the one out of the 212 several years ago and what I remember about it was the fitting was countersunk, but none of the books I have show that, the fitting is simply screwed into the flat face of the flywheel in the diagrams. You need to scrape or brush the flywheel surface and find the hole which is probably packed with hard dry grease and clutch dust. I would carefully clean it with a drill bit to pull the crud out instead of pushing it on into the passage and eventually ruining the bearing.
The toothed part on the outer circumference is the flywheel and it meshes up with the driving plate of the tractor clutch (maybe a composition type or could be a lined steel disk). The same part would be the pressure plate of the grader which has an automotive foot clutch instead of the over-center clutch like the tractors have.
Haven't found the zerk hole yet, but winter has found me. I'll try again in the spring or sooner if we get a warmer snow-free spell. Thanks all for the help.
The weather was nice today and I didn't have to work. The zerk hole has been found, cleaned, re-zerked, and greased. Merry Christmas to all and don't eat the yellow snow.