If yours has a pipe from the tower to the gauge, did you confirm that the pathway from the chamber to the gauge is clear?
is the top gasket in the filter housing in the correct orientation? if wrong it can block off fuel passages.
I did verify my gasket orientation and my passage openings. I just went back out to the shop and installed a different gauge. It appears to lift the needle up about 20% when running at tad more when I open it up. Before I did this I got out my books and removed the bypass assembly at the bottom of my pump to verify it wasn't stuck open or something weird. Nope, nice and clean, rubber seal and spring in mint condition, not a bit of debris or sediment in the line either. So at this point I'm guessing my pump is probably at the bottom of its operating range? I'm not sure what else it could be. If that is the case would anyone know right off if this is available? Hope fully the cost is under what I paid for the machine! 😖mile:
On my 12 grader, i had a similar problem. Took the pump off and found gears in bad shape from pumping dirty fuel. The end plates were worm also. The gears were .006 shorter than the housing. I lapped the end plates with sand paper till they were flat. Then i lapped the center housing until the end clearance was .002 total. this brought my pressure up to 20psi with (stretched spring) even with very worn gears.. I had more time than money also. I can not beleive there is not a in line filter between the tank and pump. I cut the 1/2 inch line an added a Baldwin in line filter screen. $12.00 item.
I'm doing that too. I have a "regular" spin-on fuel filter that I'll fit under the fuel tank (it'll get knocked off I'm sure...) for this purpose.