If it were mine I would take two medium size ball ball peen hammers, one for each hand, and strike the cap multiple times all the way around, with each hammer 180 degrees from the other one. Time it so the the hammers hit at the same time. Don't go crazy with it, just strike a little harder than a tap. make a couple rounds and try to unscrew it.
Good luck
Bruce P
I had the same problem. I just worked at it for days, not hitting it too hard. It eventually capitulated... You could also try lightly heating the cap e.g. with a plumber's torch from a few inches away and then spray your penetrating oil in there immediately. It will loosen, it just takes LOTS of time
Not smart using an open flame around the vented fuel cap.
I use a plumbers strap wrench so's not to bugger up the aluminum but the chain wrench will also work. Get some anti-sieze on there to prevent future problems once you get it loose..
[quote="Old Magnet"]Not smart using an open flame around the vented fuel cap.
I use a plumbers strap wrench so's not to bugger up the aluminum but the chain wrench will also work. Get some anti-sieze on there to prevent future problems once you get it loose..[/quote]
Fuel tank was dry and devoid of fuel / fumes.... Of course, a fellow should take appropriate precautions
Thanks for the tips, I knew there had to be some experience with this issue
on this forum.
You guys are great.
Just curious, has it been on there a long time or did it just get over-tightened?
I'm going to guess it's been on for about 8-10 years.
It's a machine we bought and rescued. Came out of a field, track was off, doesn't
run, but I've got plans to make it a runner.
Just time and money...as they say.
Pictures are always welcome!