When you restore it, please keep the singular light. That gives the tractor so much personality in my opinion, but that’s not worth a hill of beans. Very cool project !
Thanks Neil, I’m really looking forward to this project. I just took the belly pan off and the side panels on the engine and gave everything a good powerwash. Next step is to clean up my little shop (which is a whole massive undertaking all in itself haha) so it can move inside and then I’ll be able to tear into it. I’ll post pictures as I plod along on the old girl…
SoCalCatMan, that light is definitely going to stay there and more than likely by itself… apparently it worked too before the wires rotted off.
Congrats Tony. I have 4U1826.
Very nice D2 really like the belly pan & Tow hook. Beautiful patina, almost be a crime to paint that thing I would clear it and save what you have. Skinner
You know Skinner, you're definitely not the first person to tell me that, and I've been thinking the same thing after watching Squatch's 5J1113 build, plus I'm about the worst painter there is so this makes a lot of sense, I think I might just leave the patina. Even the handles on all the controls are perfect! Maybe the next one I'll do a paint job on... just don't tell my wife there's going to be a next one......... was actually thinking of doing a full restoration on one of my 977Hs if I didn't find a nice D2, heck I might still once this one is finished. We shall see...
Cat Yellow, that's cool that yours is so close to mine, wonder how many of the ones in between still exist?
Cheers, Toby
Oh and I put together a lil' video and stuck it on youtube for those of you who are interested...
I was going to mention too that; I'd leave it in it's original work clothes.
The real trick would be find some of the original water slide decals and put them on maybe having them missing areas where the paint is missing.
That is a big long shot though.
Nice looking tractor! I agree with others on leaving the original paint. Keep us updated on your progress.
Ya know, carrying a can of 30w in your back pocket while strolling down CraigsList Av. :.. Something is always going to follow you home.
Congratulations [img]/media/kunena/emoticons/cheerful.png[/img] Nice