My D2 5J Parts Book shows two bearings, both P/N 1B4107, plus seal 1B2346
CAT no longer has those numbers in the system, I googled those numbers and I found that company called regal corporation has both the bearings and the seal
I expect the problem with the part numers as far as the CAT system is concerned is that there are not enough digits. Can't remember how they need to be done, but adding some zeros in the correct spots will make a lot of the older part numbers work. Maybe someone else will chime in here.
Regal is a good source, glad they have the parts. They are slowly discontinuing parts for the older stuff, but some bearings and seals, should be available for the forseeable future!
My local Cat Dealer here in Australia lists them as 6B1124 Bearing, in stock, $38.82, and Seal 7M8930, in stock $7.31
Went to my local parts store today and got the 205 bearings ,but I got the sealed version , and also the seal number has been changed to 470059, thanx for all of the help again Guys!!!
Original replacement would be an open bearing.
It was a spur of the moment thing to go with the open face bearing, installing the bearings and seal is this weekends project along with sending out the radiator to get cleaned and a couple small leaks in it repaired and the overflow tube re soldered to the tank.