Hate to burst your bubble, but right behind that butcher job is where the Pony Blocks usually crack from freezing.
Things could get uglier once you pull the dash out.:jaw:
It's been said many times "if only the previous owner took a little more pride...."
At least it looks like an easy repair.
was it brought back from mexico??? maybe even drug dealers own cats lol😊
was it brought back from mexico??? maybe even drug dealers own cats lol😊
It appears to be right over the pinion latch adjustment plate. Perhaps it was cut to get a better angle for tools to adjust the latch. I have tried repeatedly to adjust mine but no luck so far with the firewall in the way.
I do like the idea about mounting a tape player though. The water passages do look good! In the second picture, the little bitty hole in the bottom right is the one that gave me fits on the D4. It had what looked like soot packed in there tight. Soaked it with citric acid and used a small twist drill and finally got water to go through. Good luck on the mystery flap!
i too have 2 dash's with the same sized hole in them. my pony motor have bean weld up but would people really hack up just so they don't have to take out 1/2 a dozen bolts.mabey they did not have fath in there weld and need quick access.
I do like the idea about mounting a tape player though. The water passages do look good! In the second picture, the little bitty hole in the bottom right is the one that gave me fits on the D4. It had what looked like soot packed in there tight. Soaked it with citric acid and used a small twist drill and finally got water to go through. Good luck on the mystery flap!
Speaking of dash hacks, here is mine. I guess the hole was cut to make a starter belt change. The first photo shows the flame-thrower cut after I cleaned it up a bit with the angle grinder. It was pretty horrible . I clamped a piece of 16 ga to the raised section as a form then heated it and hammered it down to make a similar shape. After trimming it and fitting it with a couple of 1/4-20 cap screws it covers the hack. It is not the best piece of workmanship, but after all it is just a tractor and I have a lot of other more important work to do on it. (The photos got posted in reverse order).![]()