Blow the lines out?, What kind of shut off valve does it have? Early ones had a screen/filter in them. Missed cleaning a port in the carb? Bottom of the bowl there is a very small valve that gets plugged.
The symptom of only running with choke on is related to the main jet and passage from the main jet across the bottom of the bowl to the high speed metering well.
Very common for the horizontal passage across the bottom of the bowl to be clear enough to blow air through but not flow enough gas to run the pony without choke on. Solution is to remove bowl and drill out soft plug that blocks that drilled passage on the end next to the main jet and ream it out with drill bit in fingers. The soft plug can be replaced with a .177 pellet or other soft shot, bead of soft solder etc tamped into the opening.
First you might want to try adjusting the load/high speed mixture screw to allow more fuel to flow. But if it doesn’t respond to that then reaming the passage is required.
I find that choke doesn’t improve things when it’s a supply problem into the carb bowl. That is very common with the amount of rust in most old tanks. I have cleaned and relined a few with a product called RED KOTE. Got one I need to do right now off a D7e. About once a year I’ll need to get it going and the valve body in the bottom of the tank above the sediment bowl will be plugged solid with rust and crud from old gas. Sometimes more varnish from the gas and sometimes more rust.
Anyway I believe your problem is most likely after the main jet below the high speed mixture adjusting screw. The gas flows down past the tip of the adjusting screw, through the jet and then across the bottom of the bowl toward the cast iron throttle body to the high speed metering well that is identifiable by the 7/16 hex head plug that blocks it. There is another plug that drains the bowl but it’s farther away from the throttle body and oriented vertically. The high speed metering well is drilled on a little bit of an angle to intersect with the passage that connects the bowl to the throttle body, so it’s easy to identify. There is a removable restrictor above the hex head plug, but I’ve never seen it be plugged. Probably worth a check though.
Good luck
Could have also been some crud in your gas can that you filled the pony tank with, or blew in when you took the cap off.
Thanks guys. I thought I had everything clean. figured the filter would catch what ever may have hid from me. Will clean again. It was running nice for a little while anyway. There is no screen in the sediment bowl. Is there a filter/valve set up that works well? The shut off valve is small on this one I can see it causing trouble at some point and the feed line nut at the carb is a little sketchy too. So that system may need some permanent modification.
Also would like to put a filter before the transfer pump on the diesel. Any preferred setups for that? Thanks
May just need to check the vent in the fuel cap. That was the problem on mine.