Reply to Steve A:
I have seen D2,s with blocks under the seat to gain leg room, That beeing said I have a hyster winch on mine with the raised seat and it is still cramped for me, I am 6'4" and 240, Mabe thats the problem
Ha - Ol'Grump - the old noggin eh, yes I do have ROPS and yes it will need modification, it already has taken/raised a few lumps.
An old guy told me (only half jokkingly) that that was the reason the throttle and main clutch are "off" forward, so that as you are pitched out of your seat you take the levers with your belly button and shut the machine off or at least slow it down a bit!!
I like the seatbelt idea too, we had them on our wheel tractors when we had the steep farm in Marlborough NZ more than 35 years ago, and they saved several people's bacon, including my Dad, who I watched ride out a run-away (due to a broken axle) down a horrendously steep ridge, he was bouncing so hard he lost control of his head and arms, and would have been pitched off and run over for sure without the seatbelt.