I am restoring a D2 5U Orchard/Tailseat and wondered what the weight might be.
I don't have or can find any literature for the orchard model but based on other D2 specs I have, I thought it would be around 6500 pounds.
I am basing this on the weight of a bare D2 5U which should be close to the orchard model in terms of configuration, albeit my orchard does have a PTO unit attached which would add a bit more.
Anyone have any specs for the orchard models to share?
PS I'll post some pics of this resto soon.
About a month ago I completed restoring my 1953 D2 orchard model. I was having issues with the pony motor so I removed the pony and installed a starter I bought from B&C Equipment in Missouri which converts it to a direct start. Brian was great to deal with and it was a relatively easy conversion. Besides that I replaced all injectors, sand blasted the tractor and had it painted. I will post photos as soon as I have some time. I believe my tractor weighs about 7,000 pounds. I did not weigh it, but I was told that by a friend of mine that has several D2s.
thanks for the reply.
I look forward to seeing the photos of your machine soon.
I will post some of mine soon too - I have just now finished 6 hours of painting 1010 parts so now can start to put it back together again.
I guessed the weight would be around 6500-7000 pounds.
Thanks again.
Here are some pics of the D2 5U Orchard Model SN 18515 1957 that I am restoring.
The machine was sold to the Hansen family who are still significant players in the apple and pear industry in Tasmania.
According to the web site the orchard where this machine operated was established by Carl Oluf Soelberg / Hansen who was a merchant sailor from Norway discharged in Hobart in 1870s. He found a job at Dr Harry Benjafield's orchards in Moonah (just outside the Hobart CBD) where he established good relationship and a mutual passion for orcharding with the Doctor. He was soon sent to Tasman Peninsula to help set up the Nubeena orchard for him. Dr Harry Benjafield (1845-1917) is credited with introducing over 50 varieties of pears to Australia and his properties at Nubeena were at the time the centre of the Australian pear industry. Carl bought the neighbouring block in Nubeena where he planted his first pear and apple trees and built the homestead of the Hansen family.
The family may have had up to 4 crawlers working the orchard which was reputedly the largest planting in the Southern hemisphere. All were maintained very well with regular repairs and servicing both on site and at the William Adams depot near Hobart.
The remaining 3 (?) crawlers were sold when the business downsized in the late 1990's after the Tasmanian industry collapsed due to the loss of export markets. One was allegedly later converted to a top seat and is located somewhere on the Mainland, mine was shedded and the whereabouts of the other is not known. A fourth D2 5U Orchard model that worked on the Hansen's property was allegedly wrecked after falling off the back of a truck in Hobart.
I understand that D2 5U's Orchards were only sold into Tasmania - so that makes them a bit unique - and I have not seen another one in Tassie yet.
I plan to display the machine at the Huon Show soon - hence I am putting in huge hours to finish it:doh:
Hats off to the painter, it looks great from here.
I know the amount of effort it takes to do a restoration like you have undertaken. Looking forward to the seeing you post the finished pictures. Congratulations!
Looking good there Mr Inter674, it takes a lot of time to get them painted, longer than we think it should, now that William Adams are not selling the Old Highway Yellow paint whose paint are you using, I bought some Haymes paint here a year ago that was colour matched to the William Adams paint I'd been buying which was Wattyl but still haven't tried it.
Hi Inter674,
good to hear you got some interesting history on your D2 and the orchard where she worked. Makes it more interesting at shows when you can relate that to others.
She's looking fine too. A good paint job makes a difference for sure.
Keep up the good work.
Eddie B.
Looking good there Mr Inter674, it takes a lot of time to get them painted, longer than we think it should, now that William Adams are not selling the Old Highway Yellow paint whose paint are you using, I bought some Haymes paint here a year ago that was colour matched to the William Adams paint I'd been buying which was Wattyl but still haven't tried it.
Great Job Eric , I posted Your Spring and Washer yesterday and try and Do photos as requested today . To My knowledge those 4 D2's are the only Tail Seats of any kind to Come to Australia , although I had a whisper that there was a 15 in the Barossa Valley in S.A. But have never been able to Confirm it . Any one know of any other Tailseat's sold new in Aust. ? I personally love them , Looking forward to seeing Pic's of Finished Product LJ