Reply to edb:
Hi Team,
perhaps also check that the winch has not been accidentally engaged and with the drum brake applied it would cause parasitic load--drag.
For safety reasons the main clutch should be engaged when you are not in the seat so that the trans. cannot be accidentally bumped into gear and the machine move off.
Eddie B.
[quote="edb"]Hi Team,
perhaps also check that the winch has not been accidentally engaged and with the drum brake applied it would cause parasitic load--drag.
For safety reasons the main clutch should be engaged when you are not in the seat so that the trans. cannot be accidentally bumped into gear and the machine move off.
Eddie B.[/quote]
Thanks for the thoughts, I'll have to check the winch engagement lever, mine has a notch for neutral but it is sloppy and I noticed once it allowed the drum to slightly turn unless neutral was made sure of. I had the main clutch sieze to the flywheel before after setting a few years, and had to use a rosebud to get enough heat to break it free. I must have parked it engaged at the time, Good idea to engage it when parked. I use the blade as an E-brake. Thanks