Pics of during and after repair... hopefully this will hold... please don't give me too hard of a time on my welds... It's been 10 years since I've been a production welder. Lol
WOw. That is a great repair, especially with what you had to start with. Thanks. Roy
Nice fix. I really like the hydraulic retro fit to control the angle blade.
Got any photo's of how the angle cylinder is setup?
Cool looking unit!
That's a good looking tractor and the repair makes me think you know a thing or two about welding
I would also be interested in seeing more pictures of the tilt/angle hydraulic also
As Archie, a long deceased old time local welder of Finnish descent would say in his Finnish brogue. "Dat's not weld, dat broken spot looks like a pigeon sh*t there while flying into the wind".
good looking repair frochevy.
Thank you for all the compliments. I will get some pictures loaded soon of how the blade angles/tilts.