That would be some mechanical feat to stuff one of those in a D6 9U, really don't think that would work, seeing it's designed for a D8 tractor, stationary applications like powering a sawmill, genset and marine applications.
I would recommend a no no as it,s too big and long to start with and a much slower RPM engine and the higher torque would tear things up in the drive train.Adaptinng the clutch to the trans. would be a nightmare.
Lets not be to hasty here-if you add a longer roller frame & add some extra road wheels so as not to tip it on its nose you might have a real go gettin heinz 57..the rpm can be overcome w/ big gear in & little one out & a set of modern rubber tracks you could pull a big field cultivator @ warp speed..😄
the d318 is a common engine and is cheap to make electric start. what is wrong with yours???
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Hi, MetalmanD69U.
I'm with the rest of the comments here. THAT would be one AMBITIOUS re-power. How-wevver, Tanker does have a point. It would really be something to hook a multiple plow arrangement behind and massacre a field - or 6.
It would also raise some eyebrows at machinery shows and you'd really gettem goin' at redneck tractor pulls.
I can hear it already. .rumble rumble crunch crunch crack BANG!! 😮
Ol' Grump, Look on the bright side , The rumble, rumble would have been pretty impressive just before the crunch BANG!!.ian.
Hi, MetalmanD69U.
There is a gentleman not far from where I live who fitted a D17000 V8 diesel into an 8R D8. This was a conversion that Peterson Engineering did on the later 2U's and 13A's to make more powerful pusher tractors. As far as I know, it was not done commercially with the 8R series D8's. This jigger gets a LOT of interest at shows around this way.
Imagine the looks your idea would get if you went ahead and did it.
But why stop there with half a job?
Why not do as Tanker suggested, lengthen the track frames and beef them up a bit, add an extra track roller or two, beef up the front idler bearings, widen the main frame from the bell housing forward, get a bigger radiator for it and the hard nose to match, fabricate your own bell housing to match
and then drop a D17000 in there?
'course, you would have to be careful how you engaged the master clutch each time when under any sort of load lest the transmission or the back end self-destructed but it sure would turn heads.
And it would give a rumble to frighten the daylights out of ol' Grump.