The oil pump is in the pan and you have to removed the inspection pan side plate for checking
Okay, i guess my question was pretty broad, i meant under the front or rear inspection cover. I got found a couple more microfiche and it seems to be under the rear inspection cover.
Sorry im not use to looking through microfiche's and must have skimmed over it a couple dozen times and got frustrated! Ill post up a video once shes going!
Check the gauge first.
The oil pumps are very reliable and not prone to failure.
perhaps try and unscrew the pipe off the gauge or the block is easier and see if its pumping oil at all
theres only 2oil pan side covers. the right side will give u closest access to the pump. the left side gives u best access to clean out sludge.
There are two covers on the right hand side. I did unscrew the oil line going to the gauge and there was no flow. It is possible the something plugged the line. This saturday i think ill go back over there and pull a cover and see what she looks like.
sludge plugged pump screen.
Even after you sort out the oil problem, I recommend turning the engine over with no compression and checking oil pressure before starting. If you don't want to destroy your engine.
Well said. A good habit to be in with any Cat engine. So easy to do with the pony motor. I also hold the compression release out until I get oil pressure on my 335 Cummins in the old Kenworth.