Hey Chris!
nice find bud! hope the old girl serves you well. you must not have been able to sleep thinking and dreaming of these wonderful machines! been a while since we last talked, how are things goin in Ohio? how is the new house working out for you? Hope to see you sometime soon, the brownsville steam show is coming up next month, do you think you will be coming to it?
Hey Jake, Nice to hear from you. All is well here. House is great, moved in last of October. Working on yard decoration now as you can see... We are adding the decks and the grass is looking like a yard. Let me know the info on the show, we would love to make the trip. If there is a site or info let me know. How are your projects? We need to get caught up. Hope your family is doing well. Maybe we can meet up at the show.
[quote="jaker65"]Hey Chris!
nice find bud! hope the old girl serves you well. you must not have been able to sleep thinking and dreaming of these wonderful machines! been a while since we last talked, how are things goin in Ohio? how is the new house working out for you? Hope to see you sometime soon, the brownsville steam show is coming up next month, do you think you will be coming to it?[/quote]