Reply to Old Magnet:
They are a standard Buna-N type "O" ring. I get mine in bulk from A good industrial supply would have them but I don't know about a hardware store. Can't find my notes on the size but I will look in the am.
Got to checking on the "O" rings. As usual Cat used a odd ball dimension that would best fit a metric "O" ring that is 24mm ID x 32mm OD x 4mm thick. These are available from as part number 9262K346 @ $12.94/pkg of 50.
I have also used the much more common AS568 dash size #213 which should also be available at any industrial supply.
Hang on, I'm still checking.......the size I gave you is actually for the dozer cylinder hose connections. I'm checking on the #44 connections and the cross-over valve.
Ok, again:
For the hydraulic cylinder connections use a size # 2-214
For the connections to the # 44 unit use a size # 2-222
For the cross-over valve use a size # 2-219
The previous mentioned 0-rings will also work but the last set is by specification.