Opening the throttle tightens the spring. You need to figure out how to increase the low idle.
While you may well need new injector "valves" as CAT calls them i don't think they will affect the lope in any way. They are simple to remove, just clean around the line nuts etc and remove lines. Then take a 1" socket and unscrew the hold down nut and remove it. There should be a seal inside the top of the hollow hold down nut that was under the line nut and there should be an o-ring around the outside of the hold down nut. These both keep dirt from accumulating in the crevices, all the sealing is done by clean metal to metal joints.
Once the hold down nuts are off, grab the top of the injector "body" and shake it while pulling up on it. Usually they will come right out of the precombustion chambers, but sometimes you may need to pry with a screwdriver or i have even had to rig a slide hammer puller to get one or two on an engine that had been sitting out in the weather a long time. When you get them out you will see the tip or valve is attached to the end of the adapter body by a coarse loose fitting thread. It is loose to allow fuel to flow through the thread area to reach the tip. If the surfaces are clean, you can gently tighten the tip on the body and test them on a bench tester or even reroute an injector line pointing outward toward the track and attach each one in turn to watch the spray pattern. Be careful and do not get fingers near! You do not want to get fuel injected under the skin. That produces gangrene if not promptly and properly treated.
maybe you just need a new spring and adjust it to spec
maybe you just need a new spring and adjust it to spec
WE HAVE SUCCESS!!!!!! the covers off the govener....tweaked things until everything lined up smooth...and the pin bolts went in smooth.....triple check everything was free....pony was very cooperative...once the main started up.....runs smooth as fresh cream.....through out the RPM band.....shes currently runnin at half throttle in front of the more lopy crap lmao.....THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!
out of curiosity....what should top RPM's can't be going over 1500....if it is it isn't by D4 sounds like it gets up to close to 2000 wide winds up way more than the D2 does