very very nice! I have been dreaming about a small Cat excavator for years--one that would fit on my trailer--69" width and 8000#---that one might fit!
A person could have all sorts of fun with that machine!
Hi Garlic Pete,
Licensed to use at your discretion.
Saw your thread about coming up here to get a Thirty and D7.
Sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you. I'm about 35 miles east of Redding up in the foothills.
If you get up this way again let me know.
Snowing like hell right now.
Hi, Sr4440.
Nice catch. Shouldn't be any problem diggin' up the wife's turnips, carrots 'n' potatoes now.
On diggin' out gophers, you may now be able to out-dig the dogs but I think it would be a pretty safe bet that they would still FIND way more gopher holes than you, especially in long grass and weeds. LOL.
On another note, I did managed to largely discourage the little suckers from digging new holes in the access track at Santa Margarita last year. Not that that was my intention. My intention was to stop dust being raised from the track but I noticed that after 5 days of watering it twice a day with 2 good passes and with the incoming/outgoing traffic, there weren't many new gophers hole showing.
Just my 0.02.
Howdy Deas,
Was my pleasure to get to meet you at Veerkamps last year.
As to the gophers....if I had the patience I'd be after them with a rifle...not to be
I used to enjoy watching the Hawks come in after discing a field, waiting for the little buggers to come up for air. Now, I go out with a bottle of deodorized propane with a weed burning tip. I "plug" the tip into a hole, "squirt" a couple of seconds worth of propane (sometimes I count r e a l s l o w), then hit the igniter. A muffled "boom!", occasional blue flame out of another hole, and on to the next one.
Sometimes I feel like Carl Spackler in the movie Caddyshack and even start humming Marine songs!
Easy to hate the little bastards
Congrats on your new machine. You will find uses for it that never occurred to you before. If you have one of those, you don't need hardly anything else!