Hi compressor,
sounds like you have diagnosed your problem yourself. I do not have a late model Parts Book to check but from what you describe of the unit to the side of the Rad cap should be the Relief Valve as fitted to later machines/engines of all sizes in the Cat range.
Either dirt daubers have blocked the radiator overflow tube or/and the radiator relief valve has jammed shut or is clogged also. Sometimes rust builds up in the drilled passages leading to and from the R/valve. Dismantle it all and see what you find.
Sounds like tour system overpressured the w/pump seal and relieving the pressure did the job of troubleshooting it for you.
I would check and be sure the relief circuit is clear and free to work as designed and if so then re-test the unit with the cap fully on and if the pump leaks again you will know the answer to the pumps integrity.
Sorry cannot help with P/No's for the Tool Bar parts.
Hope this helps.
Eddie B.
I had the same problem and found the pressure relief valve stuck. Enclosed is a picture. It takes two gaskets of which I have some spares I do believe. Let me know if you need some.
Have a good day....Bill![]()
Are the gaskets rubber or cork?