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Congratulations Lance Jones

Congratulations Lance Jones

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Send a private message to lyoncat
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Congratulations to Lance and Deanna Jones on the announcement of the ACMOC member of the year award! :clap2:

A great achievement and well deserved for all your time and effort and with starting the first chapter in Australia (Queensland) and traveling all over the country and abroad (U.S.) promoting the antique caterpillar scene.
I know from my personal experience that you have helped me out and other enthusiast and gained a lot of new members for the club!
Thanks again for your support and service, Mike Lyon.
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Tue, May 30, 2017 4:02 PM
Send a private message to mrsmackpaul
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Well there you go
Well done Lance and Deanna
I say congratulations to both of you as Deanna is always there giving so much time as well
It couldnt happen to a nicer person you are always ready for yarn or help and travel a tremendous amount of miles for ACMOC and the Chapter and I would hazard a guess more miles than any other member ever has or ever will

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Tue, May 30, 2017 6:03 PM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to mrsmackpaul:
Well there you go
Well done Lance and Deanna
I say congratulations to both of you as Deanna is always there giving so much time as well
It couldnt happen to a nicer person you are always ready for yarn or help and travel a tremendous amount of miles for ACMOC and the Chapter and I would hazard a guess more miles than any other member ever has or ever will

Hi, Lance.
Congratulations and many thanks to both you and Deanna on the Member Of The Year Award. Wear it with honour, Sir. You have earned it for sure.

Just my 0.02.
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Wed, May 31, 2017 9:34 AM
Send a private message to edb
Posts: 4,027
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Lance.
Congratulations and many thanks to both you and Deanna on the Member Of The Year Award. Wear it with honour, Sir. You have earned it for sure.

Just my 0.02.
Hi Lance and Deanna,
this Award could not go to more worthy people.
I was very pleased to hear of this and more so after meeting and talking with you both at the William Adams Chapter 19 Meeting.
As stated you sure get about.
Best Regards,
Eddie B.
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Wed, May 31, 2017 10:24 AM
Send a private message to art51
Posts: 3
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Reply to edb:
Hi Lance and Deanna,
this Award could not go to more worthy people.
I was very pleased to hear of this and more so after meeting and talking with you both at the William Adams Chapter 19 Meeting.
As stated you sure get about.
Best Regards,
Eddie B.
Well deserved.
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Wed, May 31, 2017 8:38 PM
Send a private message to mudgecko
Posts: 77
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[color=#333333]Congratulations to both of you on your achievement! I heard you made it to the Mareeba show last week in Nth Queensland, was hoping to get there and catch up, but farm work got in the way!
Well done Lance and Deanna.
Gilbert. [/color]
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Thu, Jun 1, 2017 6:55 AM
Send a private message to ianoz
Posts: 850
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Reply to mudgecko:
[color=#333333]Congratulations to both of you on your achievement! I heard you made it to the Mareeba show last week in Nth Queensland, was hoping to get there and catch up, but farm work got in the way!
Well done Lance and Deanna.
Gilbert. [/color]
Could not go to 2 nicer people . Congratulations .
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Thu, Jun 1, 2017 7:46 AM
Send a private message to TrishWalker
Posts: 77
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Reply to ianoz:
Could not go to 2 nicer people . Congratulations .
Guess what Lance, I have been on the bulletin board and have replied to threads every day since the show, have now made it part of my daily ritual! Hope you got my congrats email. Looking forward to working on new Northern nsw chapter. Got the pack from Mary.
Cheers to you both, Trish
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Thu, Jun 1, 2017 9:29 PM
Walt D7-3T
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Reply to TrishWalker:
Guess what Lance, I have been on the bulletin board and have replied to threads every day since the show, have now made it part of my daily ritual! Hope you got my congrats email. Looking forward to working on new Northern nsw chapter. Got the pack from Mary.
Cheers to you both, Trish

See? it is not painful to be on the Bulletin Board 😆😆😆

It was a real pleasure to meet you and work with you at the tent at the Santa Margarita Show this past weekend.
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Thu, Jun 1, 2017 11:39 PM
Send a private message to old-iron-habit
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Reply to Walt D7-3T:

See? it is not painful to be on the Bulletin Board 😆😆😆

It was a real pleasure to meet you and work with you at the tent at the Santa Margarita Show this past weekend.
Congratulations Lance, you certainly earned it. I am glad to have you as a friend.
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Fri, Jun 2, 2017 12:27 AM
Lance Jones
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Posts: 661
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Reply to old-iron-habit:
Congratulations Lance, you certainly earned it. I am glad to have you as a friend.
Thank You everyone for the Posts , Emails and Phone calls To Us for receiving The Member of the Year award ,It was a real Shock and Surprise when I got the Phone Call from Santa Margarita to say I had been Given the Award . Indeed I am very Humbled by it . I [Along with Deanna ] have only done what We felt needed to be Done to get Things rolling out here in Australia, Much more could have been done , But Time and Money are the restraints . But We managed to get the Ball Rolling ,ACMOC only had about 100 odd members in OZZ when I was asked to nominate to go on the Board of Directors by Garlic Pete . Family all agreed to it and so it all started from there . We now have well over 200 members out here and 2 Chapters Running real well and another being Formed ,spearheaded by Neil Clydsdale and Trish Walker has Her Target of another in Northern NSW in September at Macksville. We are looking at Western Australia for another Chapter in Foreseeable Future.
My thoughts for the Future are that We must get Caterpillar and Their dealers more in involved with Our organization , and I feel NOW is the time as Caterpillar's 100 Year is fast approaching and what better way to celebrate than Involve ACMOC Chapters and the Caterpillar History for past Hundred Years We have saved and restored for just this sort of Occasion. So Chapter leaders start trying to get your local Dealers involved , Remember it is a two way Street as well. We help them and They help Us.
The other thing I feel we must get Young Folk more involved , it is Difficult I know , But I will pass this idea on that I saw at Mareeba a couple weeks ago, They had a tractor Pull of the usual type , [Couple Cats did very well ! ] But they had a junior "Unit" and Young Kids pulling it with Lawn Mowers ! Some of them a bit "warmed Up" But it gets them Started. it may be Old news , but that is the First time I have seen it
I really appreciate all the People I have met and dealt with , Both here in Australia, USA , Canada and NZ .We have made Life long friends and had some great Times with Them.
I must add that I was introduced to ACMOC by a lovely Older Gentleman by the Name of Peter Squires from Bordertown in South Australia , Peter showed Me the Magazine and gave Me the Address of ACMOC . I was privileged to catch up with Peter at Lake Goldsmith a Few Weeks ago and had a good Yarn with Him .
Again ,Thank You and Our blessings to One and all,
Lance Jones
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Mon, Jun 5, 2017 4:58 AM
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