Hey All, Im a few weeks into learning and working on the Trackson and have noticed that info is very limited on the machine. Can I refer to the D4 7u articles when tackling issues with my machine? I guess the hydraulics is the biggest difference being a crawler loader?..a fellow i work with has a D6 9u(I think) and he ask me about the trans. and the forward/back lever.. I told him i had none, I only have 5 forwards and one reverse on the gearshift. He thought it sounded complicated. I told him so far it seems to take off rather quickly in first gear. Maybe the loaders were geared higher? So, does a D4 7u have the four forwards and reverse speeds with a forward /back lever? As his D6 does? I guess I'm really wanting to know how the HT4 is diff. from the D4. Ive just started to operate the machine after working out all my pony motor issues and the falling loader arms keep me from focusing on the manuvering. I hope to get this problem fixed soon with some help from the fine members here at ACMOC. ..thanks