I'd say you did. Is that a wide track?
looks to be in nice shape and nice landscape in the background.
Published Author
Wide track,no just a normal d2 that was put out to pasture several years ago.
The main is stuck and so is the clutch in the disengaged position?????
I understand the motor,but what's will the clutch???
Wouldn't that be cool if the clutch being frozen would be the reason the main won't turn over!!! Prob not that lucky.
Just a thought COMPRESSOR
Bernie, yes that looks like a wide track as a narrow track you can,t hardly slip between the track and the engine compartment unless your real skinny and it looks like plenty of room there on that one. Compressor, do you have a serial number fo the tractor and if it,s a U model the 4U is the narrow gauge and a 5U is the wide gauge.
SER # 5U13868.
It's a standard 5u .
Hello, a 5u is a wide gauge tractor. a 4u is a standard or narrow gauge tractor. same with the j series d-2's a 5j is wide and a 3j is standard gauge. A wide gauge is 50" and a narrow is 40" I think. Caterpillarman
Very nice photos! Glad you made them bigger. I have a D2 ag cat similar to yours, s/n 5U18291 (1957). GWH
How about a few pictures of your 5u18??? maybe a bonus story on how you found it.
it's snowing sideway's here in Utah.
Not much to do except play with the comp.