I hope we'll see you on April 4th, for the first Chapter 15 meeting of the year. The event is located at the Sutter Union High school:2665 Acacia Ave, Sutter, CA 95982. The gates open at 8 a.m. Bring yourself, and or your tractor and truck. The ACMOC Chapter 15 meeting is slated at 11 a.m. We recommend that you bring your camp chair to kickback and relax. There will be BBQ on site for a slight cost at the lunch hour.
High on the agenda is the nomination of new officers. Doug (President) and Shawn (V.P.) are passing the gavel. Arrive to salute them, and their good work over the last two years. Arrive to vote for the next leadership set, consider volunteering yourself. New blood. New ideas. New determination.
The Truck Show hosts are being very generous by inviting us to attend their 7th annual St. Jude event. Let's support their BBQ and raffle--it's a good cause put on by good folks.
You'll learn more about the event line up this year. Follow us on Facebook: ACMOC-Chapter-15-Cal-Sierra-Tracklayers for event details, changes, and up and coming events.
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