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Ch 18 Mini working bee.

Ch 18 Mini working bee.

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Ch 18 working bee.
Today we had a group of dedicated ch 18 members at my place for a working bee on the cat gen set.
To me this has been a great day. Although I was constantly harassed with where is this where is that . A service was done on the engine and other adjustments were made by a group of dedicated volunteers.
While QLD Has been in drought for a long time. Rain over the last 2 days made things difficult to say the least. With boggy conditions and light rain through the day making conditions difficult.
The service on the engine was done in readiness for the TADDOMS rally at Oakey in 2 weeks time.
A sausage sizzle lunch was enjoyed by all with great camaraderie.
I wish to thank all that attended.
I certainly had a great day and hope others attending did also and arrived home safely.
Thanks for the inputs by everybody.
A. K.
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Sat, Oct 13, 2018 5:50 PM
Deas Plant.
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Hi, Andrew.
Good stuff. Thanks for the update. I'm happy that all went well. I can imagine that 2 days of fairly steady rain would make it risky to venture 'off the beaten track' around your way. I planned on being there today but woke up this morning still out-barking the neighbour's dog and with a chest still full of phlegm that I've been trying to get rid of for a week.

And it's still showering down here but apparently not getting much past Ipswich at the moment.

Just my 0.02.
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Sat, Oct 13, 2018 7:51 PM
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Andrew.
Good stuff. Thanks for the update. I'm happy that all went well. I can imagine that 2 days of fairly steady rain would make it risky to venture 'off the beaten track' around your way. I planned on being there today but woke up this morning still out-barking the neighbour's dog and with a chest still full of phlegm that I've been trying to get rid of for a week.

And it's still showering down here but apparently not getting much past Ipswich at the moment.

Just my 0.02.
Too much information there Deas. LOL.
Sorry you couldn't make it yesterday. Hope you get better soon .
I am hoping things will dry out a bit today and I can take the Cat gen set to Oakey this afternoon in readiness for the TADOMS rally in two weeks time .
Does anyone have any photos from yesterdays event??
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Sun, Oct 14, 2018 4:04 AM
Lance Jones
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Reply to Andrew:
Too much information there Deas. LOL.
Sorry you couldn't make it yesterday. Hope you get better soon .
I am hoping things will dry out a bit today and I can take the Cat gen set to Oakey this afternoon in readiness for the TADOMS rally in two weeks time .
Does anyone have any photos from yesterdays event??
Yes Andrew it was a great Day , Much achieved and We learnt more About the Unit , On behalf of the members there Thanks for Hosting the Working Bee , much appreciated by All . Certainly looks like Our Unit has Only done about that 5500 hrs from new , Sorry couldn't stay till the last minute, was nearly 8 pm before We got home, Steady with fog and Rain , 75 Ml in gauge from when We left Friday Lunch time and this Morning total now 95 ML. Big falls up along the coast and inland a fair way , but the real Drought areas have missed out Badly so far, although they are saying should go inland in a few Days, sure hope so. Off to Rob Gravies' to get steel to Make that Battery frame now . Probably see You tomorrow. Thanks again LJ
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Sun, Oct 14, 2018 6:35 AM
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Reply to Lance Jones:
Yes Andrew it was a great Day , Much achieved and We learnt more About the Unit , On behalf of the members there Thanks for Hosting the Working Bee , much appreciated by All . Certainly looks like Our Unit has Only done about that 5500 hrs from new , Sorry couldn't stay till the last minute, was nearly 8 pm before We got home, Steady with fog and Rain , 75 Ml in gauge from when We left Friday Lunch time and this Morning total now 95 ML. Big falls up along the coast and inland a fair way , but the real Drought areas have missed out Badly so far, although they are saying should go inland in a few Days, sure hope so. Off to Rob Gravies' to get steel to Make that Battery frame now . Probably see You tomorrow. Thanks again LJ
Some stuff left behind.
Who does this belong to.
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Sun, Oct 14, 2018 1:49 PM
Send a private message to Wombat
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Reply to Andrew:
Some stuff left behind.
Who does this belong to.
That's a pretty innocuous looking lot of stuff Andrew, I thought you may have found some ladies drawers left behind. 😮
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Sun, Oct 14, 2018 3:28 PM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to Wombat:
That's a pretty innocuous looking lot of stuff Andrew, I thought you may have found some ladies drawers left behind. 😮
Hi, Andrew.
I cain't clay-mem since I di'n't maykit up thair.

Hi, Wombat.
I thortchyer knew, Q. L. D. is Australia's main commando training centre on accounta ther hyoo-midd cly-mayt 'n' orl ther jungle.

Just my 0.02.
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Sun, Oct 14, 2018 7:29 PM
Topic Author
Send a private message to Andrew
Posts: 886
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Reply to Wombat:
That's a pretty innocuous looking lot of stuff Andrew, I thought you may have found some ladies drawers left behind. 😮

Yeah no such fun like that Niel.
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Mon, Oct 15, 2018 7:12 AM
Chapter Leader
Chapter Eighteen
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Reply to Andrew:

Yeah no such fun like that Niel.
Hi Andrew, My muffs and Multi-meter. You better bring them to Tadoms, probably need them there. In the meantime I'll use cotton wool and guess the rest.

The day was great, many heads together sorting and fixing, the rain was great even though!

Thank you Andrew for the use of the workshop.

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Thu, Oct 18, 2018 4:56 AM
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