The Western Cape Tractor and Engine Club had our annual show in the picturesque little town of Villiersdorp in the Western Cape, South Africa this past weekend. It was a double show, in that it was also the national show of SAVTEC (South African Vintage Tractor and Engine Club).
It was also the 21st celebration of the forming of the Western Cape Tractor & Engine club, as a chapter of SAVTEC.
Caterpillars were doing their owners and enthusiasts proud. There were 4 on show: A Cat 22 (1J3930SP), RD4 (4G7344), R2 (4J1113SP) and a D4 (6U) but the serial number is illegible due to prior fire damage...
Some history of these:
Cat 22: The current owner got called by a local scrap dealer (he has a "standing order" with them) that the kitty was brought in. She runs as sweet as can be, but is in need of some attention to the steering clutches, and an original starting handle.
RD4: The current owner was looking for some tracks for a D4, and got a lead on a complete tractor standing out on a farmyard. She was STUCK, but after some magical "release potions" she was set to purr (and bark) again. She was on show in her "working clothes" as she's used on a regular basis.
D4 6U: This tractor suffered some fire damage, so much so that the serial tags are illegible, but she was pulled out from the ashes and rescued. It belonged to the owners father who bought it new soem time in the 1950's and had wooden blocks fitted to the trackpads to not damage the roads prior to delivery. The starting engine starts on the second pull, and she purrs VERY healthy, and that bark, oh the bark of a 4 cyl Cat engine is the sound of perfection!
R2: The Cat stole the show! 4J1113SP was bought by the current owner's dad in 1941 and was delivered to them just before Caterpillar went into war production. The restoration was started in 2010, and it took very little mechanically as the Cat was using "very sparingly" by his dad. So little wear, that the CATERPILLAR stampings is still legible on the grouser pads!
He still has all the original books: Spares catalogue, Operator's manual, Magneto service manual, the tools list from Cat dated April 22, 1941, as well as the undented Amalite volume pump. This Cat won double first prizes: The national show as the SAVTEC "Tractor of the show" award, as well as the Western Cape "Tractor of the show" award.
Some pictures:
Cat 22:
Cat RD4:
Cat D4 6U:
Cat R2:
The VERY RARE M-M BG1 in the background of the R2 is one of two still in existance out of 5 that was imported to South Africa, and both were on the show. If that doesn't make them a rarity, then I don't what will.
Should I post them too? I know it will be OT.

Somerset West, Cape Town
South Africa