I think Catman should be voted ACMOC Member of the Year.
This guy has helped fellow antique caterpillar collectors around the world, with his engineering / manufacturing skills and dedication to help fellow collectors. Last time I visited the CatCave Byron was busy boxing up new castings for his friends in USA, OZ, NZ, EU and even USSR on the Shipping Address Labels. I didn’t take in all the details but they looked really complex. I decided to post up this thread for a True Cat ACMOC supporter, and a Good friend of mine.
I would like to share the following information with all acmoc members.
Email From Byron Quote.
Cat-Cave Update 22 Nov 2011
Zero degree's at night and frost in the morning, Typical Dark Early Winter Days this side, I guess them Guys Down Under are enjoying there Summer Months and down the Beaches building sand castles. After spending days in the Foundry wearing only a T-Shirt and Hot Metal at 1800 degrees looks like I have actually got a sun tan. and been playing in the sand at the same time.
Cat 20 PL / L / early Cat 25 Inlet Manifold & the Cat 30 S/PS Inlet Manifold Projects are nearly at an end. Thanks to all my Friends (True Friends, the onces I can Trust) around the world for taking part in this Venture.
Last night I was thinking about Inventing a 36 Hour Clock ?, But Just didnt have the Time to give the idea a second throught lol.
Snr Catman is busy in his own Cave, working on the Best 30 Early 2 Speed Projects, new cast / forged parts:- Final Drive Housing Casting, Final Hub Unit, Final Bull Gears, Final Pinion Shafts, Main Clutch Unit, Front Pull Idler Assy, Idlers, Sprocket, Throttle Lever and some tooling for forging a couple of bolts, all odd ball stuff for the Early Best 30 2 Speed only. We have allready Cast in Steel Spec the Early Best double Hump Track Pads 11 inches wide, and now Snr Catman is working on the idea of re-producing the Links, the Pins,and the Bushes for the Early Best 30 2 Speed Rails. On the Drawing Board in Snr Catman's Cave is the Blue Print for the Best 30 2 Speed Early Cylinder Jug, the 1st early jug with no external cooling pipes, all internal cooling throu the engine block to the cylinder jugs, An Engineering Challange Snr Catman says watch the RIF Forum for Photo Updates.
My Next Projects are the Heatbox Assy for the Cat 20 L/PL and the Cat 30 S/PS Heatbox Assy. Email me:-
[email protected]
If anyone needs one, Please also remind me via email above if you had your name on the list 2 years prior, Time to update the Cat Friends List of Buddies That Actually are True to there Word. Next on the List is the Exhaust Manifolds for my Early Inlet Projects.
Getting Her Dun