Definitely looking forward to seeing this project in the various phases of modification, love the look of the old wide-tracked Cats anyway so this one is sure to be an interesting build. I also didn't realize how much effort went into the detail of the Hyster pieces that ended up on that Twenty until I watched your video, like they say if it were easy everybody would be doing it. Good work and thanks for posting.👍
Thank you for your kind words Sasquatch. Feedback means a lot to me. 😊 It was important to me that the Twenty winch not only fit but was mechanically sound. It just makes me have that much more appreciation for the mechanical engineers that made the Cats "back in the day." If it takes me that long to get a dinky little toy to work while using a computer and sophisticated software how long did it take these guys to design a tractor on paper and build it using hand-controlled fabrication machines?! The thought alone makes me ---> :wacko:
But sometimes I get lucky and the first few designs work well, as in the case of the new Swamp tracks. I had to make only small modifications to my original design and the print is excellent. Pictures shortly!
Thanks again!
Your work is fantastic. I am involved with the 3D modelling / printing thing as well so I know its not as easy as it looks.
Paul Bamburak
Trenton, NJ
Thanks Paul! I'm a bit OCD about these modifications so I may be dramatizing it a bit. 😊 It may be frustrating at times of course but it is oh-so-fun too! :clap2:
Tell me more about your 3D printing work and experiences. I'm always interesting in seeing what other people do!
I printed a few tracks at lunch time and lightly assembled them. They seem to fit well and also match the prototype.
I made a few changes to the tracks last night to reflect their joining hinges - also beefed up the bottoms for added strength. I'll print the new tracks this evening.
Sorry for the delay in posting the most updated pictures of this project. Making the roof and roof supports was a challenge due to the way it was to attach to the model. I needed to make sure it would bond to the model and be permanent. Lots of :confused2: for a while there.
Anywho - here are the final pictures.
Hi Calvin,
yet another stunning upgraded model from your mind and 3D Printer. Love the weathering effects you model builders do.
Eddie B.
another beautyfull model you made here!!!
Thanks fellas! 👋