Interesting comment. Just curious. Are these Cat engines another engine option in a existing series of locomotives or is it an all new locomotive series. I wonder if its all engine vibratation and shake or if there is other factors telegraphing through.
I wonder if it is an older EMD Chassis? Big Slow speed engines have a different vibration than a smaller 3500 series turning higher RPMs. A lot of work has gone into newer rail engines to isolate the engineer cockpit/cab from the rest of the engine. Not sure where EMD was in this process?
That's a pretty loose statement!!!! What engine/vintage is being referred to?
Aloha in 1973-74 i was employed as a motorman in the Henderson west tunnel project in Colorado we had as yard locomotives 2 15 ton cat powered diesel locomotives im not sure of the size big 6 cylinder jobs.On the run up the dump pushing 13 heavy muck cars the exaust side of the turbo would glow orange hot . We would set the throttle wide open in 3 gear & open the door to engine & get close to that hot turbo to stay warm as it was often 20 - 30 below 0 lol the good days.
can't find it but i think cat has there own line of loco i remeber seeing something at conx or maby it was from a mine expo that a friend went too it was all done up cat. but i have bean wrong before and i be i will be wrong some time soon
I didn't find out the combination, they were running,or the rail line he works with ,he live at Hoopstan,Il and I'm guessing he may work out of Danville,Il. I won't see him anytime soon s mabee someone else will have some ideas. Gene
Cat has owned EMD since about 2010, bought them from Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) as I remember...GM spun EMD off several years before that.
I ran a Cat powered loco back in the 80s I think it was. Cat installed engines in three locomotives. they were the GP ( jeep ) type with 6 axles. They ran
a lot smoother than the old emd's and a lot less noise. I worked for ATSF and they were running them from Chi to Barstow or San Bern. It wasn't long
before they disappeared. Don't know what happened to them. They were either 12 or 16 cylinder. Probably 12. Seems like they always came thru Amarillo
at night so couldn't see too much.