drarv, Why did you modify the steering clutch levers? Was that so a young person could operate it better? The 20 looks great! W. SMITH
Looks good you need to send that into the magazine so they can run a now and then story.
Very nice 20. I look forward to seeing your 20 at Tulare.
The story behind your machine makes the accomplishment all the better. No doubt, from what you say, your Dad would be proud of your effort-
Thanks for sharing.
good looking 20!! nice job, see u at tulare👍
The steering clutches were bent so an 8 year old (me) could reach them. I was about 12 years old and discing 20 share cropped acres so we could put in black-eyed- beans (peas for you non-Californians) when a Child Labor guy walked onto the field. I stopped and he asked who I was working for. When I replied, "My Dad.", he just smiled and walked away. By age 16, I was driving an International T-6 for a Japanese truck garden farmer. Earned all of $6 a day. In my opinion, we would have a lot less juvenile crime if we allowed young people to work at meaningful jobs.
The steering clutches were bent so an 8 year old (me) could reach them. I was about 12 years old and discing 20 share cropped acres so we could put in black-eyed- beans (peas for you non-Californians) when a Child Labor guy walked onto the field. I stopped and he asked who I was working for. When I replied, "My Dad.", he just smiled and walked away. By age 16, I was driving an International T-6 for a Japanese truck garden farmer. Earned all of $6 a day. In my opinion, we would have a lot less juvenile crime if we allowed young people to work at meaningful jobs.