That’s very thoughtful of you. We will have a Chapter 15 meeting first weekend of December, which you are welcome to attend; you could share your idea with our chapter or someone might have suggestions.
That is quite a nice set of books you received, I am sure you won’t have any problems unloading them. JM
Very generous of your time and guessing cas$h too, Gary. Wealth of info you’re offering up.
Keep safe,
Hi, Gary.
That looks like an interesting and useful collection. May I suggest that you contact John Gaunt, our club president, via this e-mail address: [email protected] .
Just my 0.02.
im sure the club would be happy to use them as part of the archive collection and they could be digitised to fill in blank spots in the tech library. some of those look to be in very good condition.
All good thoughts, I welcome more ideas and will make a decision in a few weeks. Right now, I am leaning to the idea of digitizing and then making the originals available to the collectors for a reasonable donation? They are in excellent shape.