It's been a while since I checked but I believe its "code 61" fittings that will fit the 5f2046 flange.....regular 2-wire 3/4" hyd. hose works fine.
I beleive that these are code 61 flanges and in the past I have taken the old flange halves ( the part the bolts go through ) & if you only have a flange on one end. You can crimp the code 61 flange fitting on one end & then slide the flange half over the sleeve, then crimp fitting on the other end.
Also I have been in some shops with old inventory & have seen some of these fittings but they are designed for 4 wire hose ( XT3 CAT hose ). So maybe contact your local CAT dealer & find out if they have any old inventory still kicking around
But if you still have all the fittings & sleeves any 2 wire braid hose will work for example: Parker 301-12. Good luck hosing if you have any more questions let me know.
Thanks all for the input. I found that Cat calls them "captive flanges" in thier
catalog. I ended up using Parker 302 hose due to one hose was made years
ago with parker series 30 reusable (which the two hole flange is no longer
available) I stayed with the the orginal cat two pieces on the others.
The partsman at Cat told me that Cat pricing was comparitive to Parker
but I did'nt compare specific prices. Nice to know for future reference.
Seems like fittings have a bullseye on them. I scraped a tree last year and
the knotted burr was a direct hit on a blade cylinder fitting. It snapped like
a tooth pick.
If you need some 3/4" two hole flange fittings let me know I may be able to help.