sounds like the purchase price is near scrap price. sounds like a decent deal knowing that you are looking for either a project or parts.
Especially since you have another running engine you can swap in, if that one is toast (probably even when they took the valve cover off). Is the spare engine also a D3400? If so, it should be a straightforward swap. If you were keen : ), you could swap all the internals from one engine to the other in order to retain matching serial #s. Your steering and brakes would be the other big item requiring dismantling to get at. Undercarriage can still be used even if toast. Also, take the top off the transmission and check how rusty it is in there
@neil - The other engine is a 3400 as well. I have watched a few videos/read articles about the engine swap, other than the overall weight of the 3400...are there any "gotchas" about it?
Does anyone know what serial number they went to the wet clutch on the D2's? I am going to go see this dozer in person in a week or so (work contingent). Anything to look for other than above mentioned items to make rescue easier? it's a 5 hr drive so I will be able to take some tools with me but won't have access to all of my stuff or my crane.
look for the serial number plate on the block behind the pony levers--if no plate the number was usually pressed into the block--may take a little scrapping to read---look for the plate rivets on the block
The D2 started in 1938 with the J series with the D3400 engine, that series ended in 1947 with the start of the U series with the D311 engine. An oil clutch was an option on or adaptable to 5U16128 and up and 4U7020 up.
Nothing else really to look for - just usual engine stuff that can go wrong. Changing all fluids is a good idea and drying out any moisture that might be around. As mentioned, check the brakes and steering for operation, and look inside the transmission case (take off the top cover to see) for moisture and rust damage